February 8-19, 2010

Verbs: principal parts, participles, tenses


1. Reading Accountability Logs--
Modified to include chapter by chapter summaries.
Reading Notebooks

2. Compare/Contrast essay (more info coming)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2010

February already. One-twelfth of the year 2010 and I am still writing 2009 as the date much of the time.

Ms.Coley, our student teacher is teaching this week, the last week of her 14 week tour of duty. We are finishing up the Island of the Blue Dolphins with oral presentations. Ms. Coley has done a marvelous job and we will miss her.

We have seven snow/ice days to make up so far. Staff and administration have agreed on the following days the kids are required to come to school when they would not have had to: February 15, 2010--President's Day
March 19, 2010--End of the third quarter
April 5, 2010--Monday after Easter spring break
May 28, 2010--scheduled teacher inservice day
June 1, 2, 2010--Tuesday and Wednesday after Memorial Day

Second quarter Reading Groups are set for the semester. If a student scored in the 70's for a composite score in Skills Iowa, first semester, and scored "frustration level" in comprehension and fluency--that student has shown a need for addition instruction in reading and fluency techniques. It will be possible for a student to earn their way out of reading group at quarter with scores above 79 in Skills Iowa and proficient in the Winter session of MAP testing (Measured Academic Progress), which we will complete Wednesday, February 3, 2010.

Keep reading--Reading Accountability Logs will be counted for third quarter. Specifics coming later.

Mrs. Francis :}

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, fresh start

January brings biting cold, snow, snowdays and the promise of a better year. Most people resolve to make significant changes that will improve their health, disposition, finances or family relationships. Those resolutions, while made with the most sincere and fierce determination of the moment, usually wane about the third week into the new year for most of us, because we choose goals that are unrealistic and unreachable. But, we still make them. And we still expect ourselves to succeed. When we slide, we become discouraged which leads to more sliding, which leads to utter and disgusting failure. Thomas Edison once remarked that he discovered 2000 ways a lightbulb does not conduct electricity and that was his learning curve. It is ok to slide once in a while; the success comes from learning what not to do as well as what works.
In 2010, go ahead and make a New Year's Resolution; but, choose one you can reach in say, four weeks and work on it ONE DAY AT A TIME. I know that for me, if I had to do or be "X" for 120 days or 180 days without sliding backward, that time span would overwhelm me and I would be tempted to give up sooner rather than later. So, choose to stay faithful in 24 hour segments. And if you slide backward, tomorrow will be a brand new opportunity to do better. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily--but when our resolve to complete a promise to ourselves produces tangible results, we are often amazed and say to ourselves--"I can't believe I lost three inches from my waist line just doing 50 situps on the exercise ball or working with 5 lb dumbells or walking for 30 minutes or cutting out regular coke. The human mind is amazing--and I am resolved to help you smile in awe of yourselves. Then you can be proud to say-well done-- self. Tomorrow is another brand new 24 hours to reach my goal"

Monday, December 7, 2009

"Tis the Season"

Monday, December 7, 2009
Pearl Harbor Day--a day in American history that profoundly changed so many lives forever. In a matter of hours, boys became men and women became widows. Our students know about Pearl, but they cannot feel Pearl as those who lived Pearl felt. There is a difference. I don't think any atrocity that has ever happened in history can truely be known unless it is first felt. I often wonder how survivor's families could maintain the joy of the season and celebrate the gift of life when so much death and pain lay at their feet. I am reminded of something Mom used to say--"But for the Grace of God go I". How true, how true, probably just as much now as then. We do have our burdens to bear; the one redeeming light of the season--the good in humanity and the knowledge that this too will pass seems to help us 'feel' and become truly alive through the pain. Always seek the good in people, however problematic this seems, for the good in humanity is the magic that insures the gift of the season.
If you want to read about one survivor's "Grace of God" check out CBS news on line survivor's stories.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Greetings

December 1, 2009
Winter festivities will soon take over most of our waking moments. The holidays are supposed to be a time of happiness, joy and giving, but for many, me included, the absence of loved ones create an emotional voide, one that cannot be filled easily if at all. Happiness and joy come from a human need to give, deep within you; you are in control of your happiness--no one else can find that for you. My wish for you this season is let time and memories soothe raw feelings, apply a salve and a patch over the voide to aide healing. Everything you need is in front of you--all you need to do is grab ahold and hang on. Give everything, expect nothing and you will never be unhappy. The true meaning of the holiday season hides within your heart.

Happy Holidays,
Mrs. Francis

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, Nov 16, 2009

Well, another Monday. Sometimes Mondays represent a whole new beginning--a chance to start over. This is such a Monday. If you have made mistakes in the past--learn from them and try ever so hard to not repeat them--do better the next time around. No one I know ever gets anything new they try right on the first go-round (including me). Keep giving your best. Eventually, tasks will either a) get better because you have discovered where the snags are and how to fix them, or b) you will get discouraged because you haven't practiced enough to learn the task past the "new experience" stage--it still seems hard and confusing.
Everyone falls off the bicycle many times before they learn how to balance and actually ride. When you learn to play an instrument--do you automatically know how to create the beautiful sound the first time?---No--it takes practice--a lot of practice! If you buy a new pair of shoes, sometimes those shoes are so stiff and hard that they easily wear a blister on your heel or foot. But after you wear them for a while, get them wet once or twice and they shape to your foot, those blisters become but a memory and your once new, stiff, hard to wear shoes become your favorites because they fit your foot so well. That is how new concepts in Grammar, Writing and Reading feel in the beginning-stiff, hard and painful; but with practice--these new concepts become comfortable old friends--ones you can walk a mile in and never feel it. I try to give you the tools to practice enough so that the newness wears off and pretty soon it seems less difficult. Keep thinking and applying. It will come! Mrs. Francis

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hello all,

Welcome to my blog. My hope is that you--parents, students, friends and others will find this an easy way to communicate. Please feel free to post comments, suggestions, concerns or questions you may have. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

My Promises

To prepare for class and do my best work.

To make decisions based on what is fair and consistent.

To share my knowledge, sense of humor and stories as a learning tool.

To laugh daily, show compassion and empathy for others

as I would want them to show towards me.

To help you learn the best way for you.

About Me

My photo
It seems I have been a teacher all my life, but officially I have taught Language Arts at Blakesburg Middle school for the last ten years. I am married (40years in April, 2010) and we have 4 grown children who have blessed us with 13 grandchildren. Two granddaughters graduated highschool in 2009 and are college freshman. Three grandchildren are in HS, three in MS, four in Elem and 1 in PS. Kirbie, our Scottie has trained us well. She "talks" to us insistently until we "listen". My husband operates the daily events at the Ottumwa Regional Airport where he has worked since 1982. We have completely remodeled our home, building on over 800 sqft in 1996. I enjoy refinishing furniture and antiques. Last year we remodeled my mothers house for her while she underwent chemo and radiation treatments. She was able to enjoy her 'new' house for a few months before she passed in Sept, 08. My favorite color is lavender and I am a green personality.